D2 Part 2 - 10th AIM Global Academic Leaders Forum

Capital Suite 7

Organised by FIPEd


Every academic has a leading role in transforming the pharmaceutical education at their institution. All academic leaders should unify, to facilitate collaboration that leads to excellence. To create a complete and enabling academic leadership platform, AIM Global Deans Forum is now reformatted as the ‘’Global Academic Leaders Forum (GALF)’’- open to all current and future academic leaders such as Deans, Vice Deans, Department Heads or Programme Managers. AIM Institutions and schools that are interested in becoming an AIM Member are invited to join with their leadership teams to strengthen their institutional and professional development.

GALF will take place on 23-24 September 2019 in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The new schedule in weekdays will allow participants to immerse into the FIP Congress Experience! GALF 2019 has been designed to provide the leadership teams with interactive workshops from highly regarded speakers on Entrepreneurship, Science Integration into Curriculum and Roundtable Global Networking. For questions please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]!

Day 2 Afternoon session

This session will offer a unique networking opportunity to academic leaders by having roundtable discussions on the management of the academic staff and the promotion of the profession. In their duties, academic leaders are expected to: 1) lead faculty development and succession planning; 2) manage faculty and staff to balance academic and administrative responsibilities; and 3) promote the profession to facilitate admissions. Meeting these expectations can be challenging and participants will discuss issues in small groups, and come up with solutions on how to excel in these leadership tasks.

See also


Afternoon programme

13:00 – 13:10 Introduction by the chair

Pierre Moreau (Kuwait University, Kuwait)

Roundtable networking

13:10 – 14:00 Topic 1 ― Faculty development and succession planning

14:00 – 14:50 Topic 2 — Balancing teaching, research and administration duties to prevent burnout

14:50 – 15:40 Topic 3 ― Promoting the profession to future students

15:40 – 16:40 Groups reporting recommendations & wrap-up and conclusions

(including 15:50 -16:10 coffee/tea break)

16:40 – 17:25 AIM Advisory Committee elections

17:25 – 17:30 Room refresh

Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Defend relevant issues regarding leadership towards the academic staff and the recruitment of students
  2. Plan to tackle faculty development and succession planning
  3. Conduct academic and research activities for their staff
  4. Build a marketing plan to support the admission of future students.

Type of session: Application-based