Guidelines for giving an oral presentation at the FIP World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Before the start of the congress 

Please note that FIP has to apply for an event permit for you, with the United Arab Emirates authorities.

We cannot stress enough how important this is: Without this permit FIP will NOT be allowed to have you as a short oral presenter in our official congress programme.  

Therefore we urgently request you to take care of the following:  

Please print/complete/copy/scan the applicable documents listed below, and send them to [email protected], as soon as possible, but absolutely no later than 5 July!  

1)             Introductory Statement: Speaker Introductory Statement Form

All fields of this form need to be completed and a photo is required. Please note that this is NOT a visa application.  

Please add: For Speaker/Chair with Emirati Passport

• Color scanned copy of passport (page(s) with all relevant details)

• Last page of the passport (with the unified number)  

For Speaker/Chair with UAE Residency

• Color scanned copy of passport (page(s) with all relevant details)

• UAE Residence Visa copy  

For Speaker/Chair from outside the UAE

• Color scanned copy of passport (page(s) with all relevant details)

2) Prepare your PowerPoint presentation: FIP_AbuDhabi_16-9_Presentation in a 16:9 format. You may use your own slide format, providing there is no overt advertising. The only logos allowed are those referring to your affiliation. The name of the PPT file should just contain your name and the session number, e.g. Johnson.D4; longer names will complicate uploading to server and website.

Authors should present for 7 minutes, followed by 2-3 minutes for questions.

3) For the latest update on your session and the exact timeslot/duration of your presentation, please check the online programme. 

Upon arrival at the congress 

  • After picking up your congress materials and badge at the registration desk, hand in your PowerPoint presentation at the Speakers’ room, at least two hours before your session, in order for your slides to be formatted correctly by the audio-visual team and sent to the correct session room.
  • The computers in the speakers’ room may be used by speakers to finalise their presentations if necessary. However, we ask that duration of use of these computers is kept to a minimum. We ask that you use the speakers’ room only for the purpose of finalising and handing in your presentation. The room should not be used for meetings, checking email or coffee breaks.

Sharing on social media      

  • Any photography, filming, taping, recording or reproduction in any medium of any of the programme sessions, events, exhibits and/or posters presented at the FIP congress without the express written consent of FIP is strictly forbidden. FIP may record and broadcast your activity at its meetings and reserves the rights to all recordings, reproductions or presentations, unless otherwise indicated by yourself when registering as a speaker.
  • FIP operates an open social-media policy. If any content in your presentation is not to be disseminated outside the walls of the meeting room, you should specifically state this at the beginning of or at the appropriate points of your presentation.
  • Please feel free to share information, ideas, thoughts and your reflections from this meeting through social media.  If you don’t already do so, we encourage you to follow FIP on social media:

At the time of your presentation

  • Keep in mind that the first language of many in your audience is not English. Speak slowly and clearly. Speak loud enough and close to the microphone.
  • Choose simple, commonly understood language as opposed to technical terms whenever possible.
  • Unless instructed otherwise by the chair of your session, prepare your talk from a global, rather than a national perspective.
  • Avoid acronyms – e.g. say “World Health Organization” instead of “WHO”. Avoid slang, idioms and jargon. Those outside the language or national group rarely understand them.
  • Use generic names of medicines (and avoid branded names or any form of advertisement).
  • We recommend that you do not read from your manuscript.
  • Do not exceed the allocated presentation time. We suggest you keep your presentation 2 minutes shorter than requested in order to allow time for audience interaction
  • Don’t forget to conclude your presentation with a few “take-home” messages to say what should be kept in mind by participants and could apply to their practice.
  • It is important to engage with the audience, in order to provide them with the best learning opportunity. Make a one-minute pause during your presentation to ask the audience a question related to the content or facts from your presentation or reflection (e.g. “Based on what you have just heard in my presentation, raise your hands if you think this fact is true”) or to give the audience an opportunity to think about the presented information. Giving the audience the opportunity to learn and remember your presenta­tion will make your session of even greater value.  

Wishing you a successful presentation!