The Military and Emergency Pharmacy Section is one of FIP’s smallest and most specialised sections but there are plenty of congress sessions of interest to members. You will hear from military and emergency response pharmacists on topics ranging from training and research in health logistics (D6) to supply chain solutions for emergency and disaster response operations (D8). Sessions will focus on innovations and best practices relating to medicines supply and will provide examples of successful and failed operations.
You will be offered practical tips for your own pharmaceutical supply chains, enabling you to strengthen your response in emergency situations.
The role of pharmacists in humanitarian causes and natural disasters will be the topic of a separate congress session (D12) and will showcase how
pharmacists offer humanitarian support. Sessions will also explore the implementation of workforce development goals (C2), as well as the use of education resources for workforce development (C4), critical for emergency response planning.
The Military and Emergency Pharmacy Section meets during the congress, often as part of an event organised by the military of the FIP host nation. A dinner for members of the Military and Emergency Pharmacy Section will be held on 5 September.