Interprofessional Education Forum

Capital suite 4

Workforce Development Hub forums
FIPEd invites interested experts and those with a professional interest in workforce development to come along and contribute to an interactive forum to discuss and debate topics connected with this area. The FIP Workforce Development Hub (WDH) values input and advice from participants and invites them to participate in the forums, which are themed according to the Pharmaceutical Workforce Development Goal (PWDG) clusters. Participants will be able to understand the work the WDH undertakes and identify ways to contribute to this global initiative.


Jill Boone (University of Cincinnati, USA)


The intent of this forum is for open, informal exchange regarding interprofessional education (IPE) to provide an opportunity for networking with other colleagues who have interest and/or experience in this area. Topics to be discussed include: updates regarding FIP IPE activities, participants’ experiences with IPE advancement, IPE research activities, and recommendation for future directions of IPE in FIP. The forum will focus on PWDG 8: Working with others in the team.